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What is Fiscal Year?

In general, we all know that one year has, overall, twelve months. However, some companies release their reports after every three months. This is generally known as the quarterly reports and as the...

Stock Market Terms to Know

The stock market is a term that is known to everyone. However, many people are confused or do not have a clear idea of what different terms mean. They may have heard of it when people around them...

Tesla vs. Amazon Stock

Tesla and Amazon stocks have excellent performance in the last several years. Please see Tesla vs. Amazon comparison Table below: [stock_market_widget type="comparison" template="basic"...

How to Make Money With Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency History Today, we are well-versed with the terms cryptocurrency and bitcoin, but there was a time when most central and federal banks nullified the idea of having virtual currency...

What is Cash Inflow and Outflow?

What is Cash Inflow? Cash inflow represents the amount of money the company receives (inflows) from sales, investment or financing. Examples of Cash Inflow are: Customer payments ...