Asset Turnover Ratio Calculator

Asset Turnover Ratio – What You Need To Know

Asset Turnover Ratio reveals the ability of a company to generate sales and revenue from its present assets.


Asset Turnover Ratio Calculator

When analyzing a company, you need to consider plenty of metrics. Famous metrics such as net income, gross sales, assets, and liabilities are beneficial, but these will usually only give you a broad overview. Sometimes, nuggets of gems or catastrophic problems can hide under these metrics undetected. That’s why you should be acquainted with other metrics that give you a better picture of a company.

For example, a particular company is reporting good sales. However, you are bothered by what is inside the asset tab. Specifically, you want to know how fat or efficient the company is when using its assets. For such a scenario, you seek the Asset Turnover Ratio.

This article explains the asset turnover ratio, how it is calculated, and its importance.

Asset Turnover Ratio – What Is It

The asset turnover ratio reveals a company’s ability to generate sales from its present assets. The core idea behind this specific ratio is dividing revenue by total assets. From this calculation, you can gauge how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate sales.

Typically, the total asset turnover ratio is shown in percentage form. From it, you can derive how much sales a company generates from each dollar of assets. For example, if a company has a ratio of 0.50, then that means the company is generating 50 cents of sales for each dollar of asset.

Asset Turnover Ratio Formula

The formula for calculating the asset turnover ratio is straightforward. Asset Turnover Ratio equation is:

Asset Turnover Ration = Net Sales / Average Total Assets

In most cases, the net sales under the income statement are used to calculate this ratio. Any refunds must also be considered to ensure a more accurate picture of the company’s ability to generate sales from its assets.


To calculate the asset turnover ratio, you need two primary pieces of information: net sales and average total assets. The formula is as follows:


Asset Turnover Ratio=Net SalesAverage Total Assets\text{Asset Turnover Ratio} = \frac{\text{Net Sales}}{\text{Average Total Assets}}

Obtaining the Average Total Assets

The average total assets can be calculated using the ending and beginning total assets for a specific period, typically a fiscal year. The formula is:


Average Total Assets=Beginning Total Assets+Ending Total Assets2\text{Average Total Assets} = \frac{\text{Beginning Total Assets} + \text{Ending Total Assets}}{2}

Using this simple averaging method helps to smooth out any fluctuations in asset levels during the period. While a weighted average can be used for a more accurate picture, especially if there are significant changes in asset levels throughout the year, it is generally not mandatory.

Importance of the Asset Turnover Ratio

Efficiency Indicator

The asset turnover ratio is an excellent indicator of how efficiently a company converts its assets into sales. A higher ratio implies the company is more efficient in using its assets to generate sales. Conversely, a lower ratio suggests potential inefficiencies in production or management.

Comparative Analysis

This ratio is beneficial when comparing several companies within the same sector. Typically, the company with a higher asset turnover ratio is more efficient in asset utilization. However, comparing companies within the same industry is crucial to ensure the comparison is meaningful. For instance, comparing an online retailer to a manufacturing firm would be misleading. An online retailer requires fewer assets to generate sales, while a manufacturer needs significant assets for production and storage. Therefore, an inefficient online retailer might have a higher asset turnover ratio than an efficient manufacturer.

Industry Standards

Each sector usually has an industry standard for the asset turnover ratio. Investors can use this benchmark to evaluate and filter companies. Companies that fall below the industry standard may be less efficient, while those above the standard are typically more efficient and potentially better investment opportunities.

Applications for Investors

For investors, the asset turnover ratio can reveal significant underlying issues within a company. For example, a company may report high sales figures, but if its asset turnover ratio is below the industry average, it could indicate inefficient asset use. This inefficiency might stem from the company acquiring assets that do not contribute to sales growth, which is a red flag for investors.

Limitations of the Asset Turnover Ratio

Future Impact of Research and Development

One of the primary weaknesses of the asset turnover ratio is that it does not account for the future benefits of research and development (R&D) investments. R&D expenses are often capitalized as assets, inflating the asset base without immediately increasing sales. Consequently, a company heavily invested in R&D may appear inefficient in the short term, as reflected by a lower asset turnover ratio. However, this perspective can change dramatically once the R&D efforts produce new products or services that boost sales.

Wrapping It All Up

The asset turnover ratio is vital for assessing a company’s efficiency in converting assets into sales. Calculated by dividing net sales by average total assets, it provides insights into operational efficiency. While it is a valuable tool for investors and entrepreneurs, it’s essential to consider its limitations, such as excluding potential future gains from R&D investments. Despite its drawbacks, the asset turnover ratio remains a critical component of due diligence, helping stakeholders identify efficient companies likely to succeed in a competitive market.

By understanding and effectively utilizing the asset turnover ratio, investors can make more informed decisions, potentially leading to better investment outcomes.



Igor has been a trader since 2007. Currently, Igor works for several prop trading companies. He is an expert in financial niche, long-term trading, and weekly technical levels. The primary field of Igor's research is the application of machine learning in algorithmic trading. Education: Computer Engineering and Ph.D. in machine learning. Igor regularly publishes trading-related videos on the Fxigor Youtube channel. To contact Igor write on:

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