The trading world is filled with opportunities, challenges, and competition. And speaking of competitions, the HFM Live Trading Competition is a fantastic arena for traders to test their mettle, hone...
Posts by Fxigor
Imagine wrapping your favorite movie, game, or work project around you like a cozy blanket; that's the immersive and captivating experience a curved monitor brings! On curved monitors, charts and...
Being self-employed often means being without the cushion of employer-sponsored health benefits. However, like all self-employed individuals, day traders have several avenues for obtaining health...
Below is forex return of investment calculator: [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id="6"] ROI in trading represents the benefit of an investment that is divided by the invested money cost. If the trader...
Imagine you have a group of super-talented financial wizards who pool together money from various investors with one primary goal: to make more money. These wizards always seek unique and diverse...
For many individuals entering the trading world, starting capital often remains limited, with the majority commencing their trading journeys with accounts of less than $1,000. Motivated by stories of...