First, let us see what working capital is. Working capital is available capital that a company can use for day-to-day operations and represents the difference between current assets and current...
Posts by Fxigor
Financial intermediation is a well-known process that most of us are familiar with. For example, financial intermediation happens when a primary lender transfers his funds to the primary borrower....
How to Use NAV and RNAV (Revalued Net Asset Value) to Value Real Estate Stocks
There are multiple ways that retail investors can determine the market value for each property held by a real estate developer. These include Net Asset Values (NAV) and Revalued Net Asset Value...
Forgot MetaTrader 4 Demo Password? Learn How to Reset Password.
MetaTrader is a famous trading platform traders worldwide use to manage their trades and analyze market data. One of the key features of MetaTrader is its password protection, which allows users to...
While investing, it's only reasonable to look out for your financial well-being to be on the safe side. You can build a good, typically secure portfolio with ETFs. ETFs can help your money build...
Professionally managed mutual funds are investment funds that combine the money of numerous investors and invest in assets on behalf of all of those participants. Similar structures worldwide include...