A brief overview of cross-commodity trading We know many commodities are volatile assets but do you know about cross-commodity trading or cross-commodity hedging? If not, you will be requested to...
Posts by Fxigor
Cash Sweep Meaning Cash Sweep or Initial Cash Sweep is an automatic bank process when the company's cash is used to pay the pending debts in advance or before the scheduled date rather than paying...
Irrespective of the instrument or security that you are trading, you cannot predict the market's next move with the utmost certainty. This volatility rises to a whole new level when you are trading a...
Introduction In today’s modern world, people are very aware of money matters: investing, savings, or anything else. Saving is definitely an important part of anyone’s financial life. It helps...
What is Jensen’s Alpha? A Jensen's alpha or Jensen’s performance index or ex-post alpha measures the portfolio's excess returns compared to returns suggested by the CAPM (Capital Asset...
Stock market trading has become one of the most profitable areas for people who want to invest their money and receive a good investment return. However, there are certain things that a person should...