In trading, charts and oscillator indicators don't always move in tandem. While price charts depict the actual movement of an asset, oscillators like RSI or MACD measure momentum or other underlying...
Category: Forex Education
The traders and investors have initiated financial transactions, foreign exchange, and investment through a global decentralized monetary platform for exchanging currencies. This forum highlights and...
"In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to humans' natural intelligence." While...
Most traders in Forex exchange (Forex) are unfamiliar with Forex market geometry since there are no specific rules for defining it. It is mainly based on using earlier prior market data for...
Forex trading is among the most popular financial markets globally and has dramatically impacted the trading world. In the past, making some transactions using electronic gadgets was not...
Forex trading is expanding its roots worldwide daily, and many people have made incredible profits with forex trading. For some of the world's population, forex trading is a proper money-making...