If you are in the financial market, you may probably know that price action is the most used stratify to gauge the exact movement of a financial asset. It doesn't matter that you are a short-term...
Category: Education
Are you a beginner in trading? Are you learning new things in the financial market? You heard new terms but didn’t know what they are or how you can implement them? Well, we simplify it for you,...
Dealers and financial backers who need to restrict potential misfortunes can utilize a few kinds of orders to get into and out of the market now and again when they will most likely be unable to put...
Earnings per share or EPS is an important financial analysis, which indicated the profit of a company. EPS calculates the company's net income by the company’s total number of outstanding...
What is the trend line? The trend line is a line that connects price highs or lows to show the prevailing direction of price on the chart. Trend lines are graphical representations of support and...
Everything About Dow Jones Industrial Average – Dow 10 Years Chart
What is Dow Jones? Dow Jones or Dow or DIJA represents a stock index of 30 blue-chip industrial and financial companies in the United States. The Dow Jones index is price-weighted and does not...