What Does Equity Mean in Forex?

Traders usually understand the term "balance" in the account. But let us see what accounts equity is. What Does Equity Mean in Forex? Account equity in forex trading means the total current value...

What Does Cash Sweep Mean?

Cash Sweep Meaning Cash Sweep or Initial Cash Sweep is an automatic bank process when the company's cash is used to pay the pending debts in advance or before the scheduled date rather than paying...

List of Crypto Influencers

Irrespective of the instrument or security that you are trading, you cannot predict the market's next move with the utmost certainty. This volatility rises to a whole new level when you are trading a...

What is Dow Jones CFD?

Stock market trading has become one of the most profitable areas for people who want to invest their money and receive a good investment return. However, there are certain things that a person should...