Amongst the many available indicators in the financial market, triangle patterns are pretty famous and preferred by many traders. A trader can use the triangle pattern in the forex market to better...
Category: Technical analysis
If you don’t know what these are, studies of Gann have been used by several traders for quite a lot of decades now. So even though stock markets and futures are rapidly changing, it is a well-known...
What is a Pennant? – Bullish Pennant and Bearish Pennant Pattern
Traders use Pennants to calculate further movements of the market as they are prolonging patterns visible on the forex market. Just as the triangle pattern, the Pennant pattern also has some notable...
Every severe trader knows the importance of a candle pattern. One such pattern is the inside bar pattern. Within the financial markets, it occurs regularly. By incorporating this particular pattern...
What is a rising wedge pattern? The rising wedge pattern represents a bearish continuation pattern that is formed after the rising correction. In a bullish trend, price bounces between two slopings...
What is a falling wedge pattern? The falling wedge pattern represents a bullish continuation pattern that is formed after downtrend correction. In a downtrend, price bounces between two downward...