Currency Abbreviations by Country – Currency Names List

What are Currency Abbreviations?

The currency abbreviation represents a shortened form of a currency name. Currency has its three-letter acronym or abbreviation. Usually, money abbreviations or the currency name abbreviation follow ISO international standard – 4217.

The country currency abbreviation rule shows that two letters at the abbreviation start refer to the country’s name, and the third abbreviation letter is the currency name.

In the video below, we talk about major currency and their abbreviations.

What is abbreviation of forex

FX is an abbreviation of foreign exchange market or forex. Forex market is the largest trading market in the world.

World currency abbreviations

Money symbols around the world listed by Country are presented below:

Country currency (currency name)Currency Abbreviation
Afghanistan AfghaniAFN
Albania LekALL
Algeria DinarDZD
Angola KwanzaAOA
Argentina PesoARS
Armenia DramAMD
Aruba FlorinAWG
Australia DollarAUD
Australia DollarAUD
Austria SchillingATS (EURO)
Azerbaijan New ManatAZN
Bahamas DollarBSD
Bahrain DinarBHD
Bangladesh TakaBDT
Barbados DollarBBD
Belarus RubleBYR
Belgium FrancBEF (EURO)
Belize DollarBZD
Bermuda DollarBMD
Bhutan NgultrumBTN
Bolivia BolivianoBOB
Bosnia MarkBAM
Botswana PulaBWP
Brazil RealBRL
Brunei DollarBND
Bulgaria LevBGN
Burundi FrancBIF
Cambodia RielKHR
Canada DollarCAD
Cape Verde EscudoCVE
Cayman Islands DollarKYD
Chili PesoCLP
China Yuan/RenminbiCNY
Colombia PesoCOP
Comoros FrancKMF
Congo FrancCDF
Costa Rica ColonCRC
Croatia KunaHRK
Cuba Convertible PesoCUC
Cuba PesoCUP
Cyprus PoundCYP (EURO)
Czech KorunaCZK
Denmark KroneDKK
Djibouti FrancDJF
Dominican Republich PesoDOP
East Caribbean DollarXCD
Egypt PoundEGP
El Salvador ColonSVC
Estonia KroonEEK (EURO)
Ethiopia BirrETB
Falkland Islands PoundFKP
Fiji DollarFJD
Finland MarkkaFIM (EURO)
Gambia DalasiGMD
Georgia LariGEL
Germany MarkDMK (EURO)
Ghana New CediGHS
Gibraltar PoundGIP
Great Britain PoundGBP
Great Britain PoundGBP
Greece DrachmaGRD (EURO)
Guatemala QuetzalGTQ
Guinea FrancGNF
Guyana DollarGYD
Haiti GourdeHTG
Honduras LempiraHNL
Hong Kong DollarHKD
Hungary ForintHUF
Iceland KronaISK
India RupeeINR
Indonesia RupiahIDR
Iran RialIRR
Iraq DinarIQD
Ireland PoundIED (EURO)
Israel New ShekelILS
Italy LiraITL (EURO)
Jamaica DollarJMD
Japan YenJPY
Japan YenJPY
Jordan DinarJOD
Kazakhstan TengeKZT
Kenya ShillingKES
Kuwait DinarKWD
Kyrgyzstan SomKGS
Laos KipLAK
Latvia LatsLVL (EURO)
Lebanon PoundLBP
Lesotho LotiLSL
Liberia DollarLRD
Libya DinarLYD
Lithuania LitasLTL (EURO)
Luxembourg FrancLUF (EURO)
Macau PatacaMOP
Macedonia DenarMKD
Malagasy AriaryMGA
Malawi KwachaMWK
Malaysia RinggitMYR
Maldives RufiyaaMVR
Malta LiraMTL (EURO)
Mauritania OuguiyaMRO
Mauritius RupeeMUR
Mexico PesoMXN
Moldova LeuMDL
Mongolia TugrikMNT
Morocco DirhamMAD
Mozambique New MeticalMZN
Myanmar KyatMMK
Namibia DollarNAD
Nepal RupeeNPR
Netherlands GuilderNLG (EURO)
New Zealand DollarNZD
Nicaragua Cordoba OroNIO
Nigeria NairaNGN
NL Antilles GuilderANG
North Korea WonKPW
Norway KronerNOK
Oman RialOMR
Pakistan RupeePKR
Panama BalboaPAB
Papua New Guinea KinaPGK
Paraguay GuaraniPYG
Peru Nuevo SolPEN
Philippines PesoPHP
Poland ZlotyPLN
Portugal EscudoPTE (EURO)
Qatar RialQAR
Romania New LeiRON
Russia RoubleRUB
Rwanda FrancRWF
Samoa TalaWST
Sao Tome/Principe DobraSTD
Saudi Arabia RiyalSAR
Serbia DinarRSD
Seychelles RupeeSCR
Sierra Leone LeoneSLL
Singapore DollarSGD
Slovakia KorunaSKK (EURO)
Slovenia TolarSIT (EURO)
Solomon Islands DollarSBD
Somali ShillingSOS
South Africa RandZAR
South Korea WonKRW
Spain PesetaESP (EURO)
Sri Lanka RupeeLKR
St Helena PoundSHP
Sudan PoundSDG
Suriname DollarSRD
Swaziland LilangeniSZL
Sweden KronaSEK
Switzerland FrancCHF
Switzerland FrancCHF
Syria PoundSYP
Taiwan DollarTWD
Tanzania ShillingTZS
Thailand BahtTHB
Tonga Pa'angaTOP
Trinidad/Tobago DollarTTD
Tunisia DinarTND
Turkish New LiraTRY
Turkmenistan ManatTMM
Uganda ShillingUGX
Ukraine HryvniaUAH
United Arab Emirates DirhamAED
Uruguay PesoUYU
Vanuatu VatuVUV
Venezuela BolivarVEB
Vietnam DongVND
Yemen RialYER
Zambia KwachaZMK
Zimbabwe DollarZWD

In the table above are presented world currency abbreviations.



Igor has been a trader since 2007. Currently, Igor works for several prop trading companies. He is an expert in financial niche, long-term trading, and weekly technical levels. The primary field of Igor's research is the application of machine learning in algorithmic trading. Education: Computer Engineering and Ph.D. in machine learning. Igor regularly publishes trading-related videos on the Fxigor Youtube channel. To contact Igor write on:

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