Does MT4 work on windows 10?
Yes, MT4 works on Windows 10, and both MT4 and MT5 are compatible with Windows 10 operating system. Usually, MT4 will update automatically on Windows 10, and then login details can disappear. Always keep login details in your notes.
MetaTrader platform is built for Windows platform in the first place, and for day one, MT4 and MT5 are very stable in Windows operating system. In the last 16 years, many bugs are removed, so MT4 and MT5 work perfectly fine in a windows environment.
In the case of an MT4 update, you can lose login details. IF this happens, ask for a broker to provide you login details. Sometimes, your login details in Windows 10 will be saved in MetaTrader Mailbox.
In down navigation in MT4, you can choose the Mailbox option, and a saved email with a username and password will be available.
More details on how to use MT4 you can read in our article.