Do ETFs Have Compound Interest? How Does ETF Compounding Work?

ETFs or Exchange Trader Funds are a pool of funds invested in tradable exchange assets. They are considered a significant investment from the point of view of safety as compared to investing in mutual funds or individual stocks. They are similar to mutual funds; in both cases, funds are pooled to invest in a portfolio of assets. However, it is quite different from mutual funds as ETFs only focus on specific investments, unlike diversified assets in mutual funds.

ETFs are exchange-traded, which means they are traded in a stock exchange throughout the day, just like any other stock. Therefore, you can earn from ETFs through trading. Many traders wish to make compounded interest through their investment, but can you gain compounded interest through ETFs?

Read this article to learn how to earn compounded profits through ETFs. But first, let’s consider the benefits of investing in ETFs.

Benefits of Investing in ETFs 

Investing in different assets like stocks, bonds, or other assets has benefits and drawbacks. However, ETFs have some extra benefits that overpower other assets. Some of them are:

  • ETFs offer professional management services that benefit those who have just started trading. However, if you are unfamiliar with the market, you can invest in ETFs first to gain some knowledge.
  • ETFs are safer than other tradable assets. This is because it is a portfolio of different assets, some cushion during downward trends in the market.
  • You can diversify your portfolio and invest in different high-yielding stocks, or you can choose to invest in an industry that generates comparable returns on those stocks.
  • Investing in ETFs is cheaper than investing in individual stocks because there are occasional broker commissions. 

Do ETFs Generate Compound Interest? 

ETFs do not generate compound interest like some other securities on the exchange. But they do create dividends, and since they are traded on a business, there are many chances that the price of stocks will appreciate. With such benefits, it is possible to yield compounded growth with ETFs. 

Continue reading to find out how you yield compounded growth through ETFs and what some of the best ETFs are for compounding.

example strategy index fund investment

How Can ETFs Generate Compounded Profits?

Since ETFs do not generate interest income, that doesn’t mean there are no profits. You can earn through dividend distribution and price appreciation by investing in ETFs. These payments generate regular and stagnant revenue for traders. However, traders can convert this revenue into compounded profits by reinvesting it.

However, most earnings from managed funds like mutual funds and ETFs are reinvested. The following three ways show how compounded profits on ETFs can be expected.

Appreciation in the Value of Stocks

You don’t need to earn dividends from your investment. They are subject to the profit made by the company whose shares you own. If it doesn’t profit, it doesn’t distribute dividends. However, an appreciation in the price of the stocks can benefit you immensely.

The increase in the value of stocks can compound your profits. Let’s understand this with the help of an example.

You invested $50,000 in certain stocks at the beginning of a year. If the value of the stocks remains the same and you earn 20% in that year, your total profit would be $10,000. However, if the value of the stocks increases by 10% and your investment is now worth $55,000, your profit will increase. The profit will be compounded to $11,000. 

Another significant increase in the price of the stocks will increase the profits exponentially. 

Reinvestment of Dividends

The most popular way of compounding profits is reinvesting the dividend you earn, quarterly or monthly. Many traders choose to reinvest the dividends as it increases the value of their investment and, hence, the returns. However, since dividends are not a part of your anticipated profits, you can easily part ways with them and earn compounded profits.

Many fund managers offer investors the option to reinvest the dividends earned on their investments automatically. However, you can always choose to reinvest manually. The more you reinvest, the more your investment will increase in value, hence the compounded growth. Therefore, reinvesting in certain ETFs will be beneficial in the long run, and in some instances, it is even risk-free. 

Reinvesting Capital Gains

Dividends and price appreciation are not the only revenue-generating sources. You can also get profits in the form of capital gains. Although it may be rare in index funds like ETFs, it is not impossible. ETFs distribute capital gains once a year and can be reinvested, automatically or manually, to compound your profits.

Which Type of ETF Is Best for Compounded Profits?

  • Index ETFs
  • Passive ETFs
  • Dividend ETFs

As we have discussed above, ETFs are beneficial for compounded growth and other reasons. While some generate lower profits, some are incredibly profitable. However, it is imperative to know that not all ETFs are suitable for compounding. This is because these funds hold specific securities, which work differently. 

So, the following are some ETFs that best work with the compounding strategy.

Passive ETFs

Passive ETFs are pretty similar to Index ETFs. The management is deficient in the case of passive ETFs, and just like Index ETFs, they are beneficial for compounding in the long term. Since the indexes involved are stable, there is a significant increase in their value over time.

If we look at active ETFs, they are not stable but rather the opposite of passive ETFs. This is because they trade assets continuously to challenge the market, making profits rare.

Therefore, to ensure your ETFs can generate promising compounded profits, you can try the following.

Dividend ETFs

For Dividend ETFs, the company whose stocks you plan to buy must distribute dividends. To manage this type of ETF, fund managers must analyze the dividend index to seek out the companies that distribute significant dividends. If these companies can pay dividends of $100 or more, they can be reinvested, resulting in compounded profits. This type of growth is beneficial for the long term.

It is not imperative that dividends of only $100 and above can be reinvested. Dividends as little as $10 can also be reinvested. However, the exponential power of the growth will depend upon the size of the dividend. The more the dividend, the more the compounded growth will be. Also, you can always add more funds to your dividend to reinvest them to yield more profit. 

One note is that dividend-distributing companies are typically high-yielding companies that generate more profits. The shares of these companies face upward trends more often. Therefore, investing in them is profitable in every sense.

Index Funds

Investing in Index ETFs is the most favored amongst other ETFs as they are beneficial for the long run and a safer option. It is not like there are no losses in the case of index funds, but if we look back over 50 years, there has been a significant rise in the stock market. Therefore, investing in index funds would be able to generate substantial profits. Some in 6 months, while others in a year. 

Due to the consistency in the rise of the value of index funds, you have a better chance to reinvest the increased value. You can choose to reinvest in the same index if the results seem promising, or you can choose to reinvest in a different index that you think is generating more profits.

Why Is Compounding Important? 

Every investor’s goal is to outgrow their assets. This can be done by investing in some of the most profitable stocks or ETFs. However, if you can increase the value of your investment at a higher rate, then why stay behind? The benefits of compounding are evident if we take the example of Warren Buffet. 

One of the more significant benefits of compounding is that you do not need any considerable capital for the investment. You can significantly reinvest as and when your investment generates some revenue. Through continuous reinvestment for five years or more, you can experience promising compounded growth. 


ETFs are an incredible option when it comes to investment and also compounding growth. This growth is risk-free, stable, and prolonged if you invest in the right kind of passive ETF. Of course, the dividends and capital gains form a part of the investment’s profit. However, if you choose to reinvest this profit for as long as five years or more, you can generate profits much higher than you already do, and that too in a compounded manner. 




Igor has been a trader since 2007. Currently, Igor works for several prop trading companies. He is an expert in financial niche, long-term trading, and weekly technical levels. The primary field of Igor's research is the application of machine learning in algorithmic trading. Education: Computer Engineering and Ph.D. in machine learning. Igor regularly publishes trading-related videos on the Fxigor Youtube channel. To contact Igor write on:

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